About 70 Days, 70 Weeks of Prayer

Inspired by a friend's interpretation of the above passage in the book of Daniel, I began an exercise in praying for 70 days about loving God properly which developed into a week by week blog of my journey in 70 weeks of prayer to determine what my next phase in life should be: Where I should go, what I should do, who I should be...

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Week 7: Memoirs of an August in Love- Look Me in the Eyes

A friend told me about one of the best weddings he ever went to- where his best friend, the groom, read his 2 page long, hand-written vows to his Wife-to-be. My friend said it was one of the most romantic moments he had ever seen when his friend, the groom, took a step toward his wife-to be so he was standing close to her and held his handwritten vows practically under her chin so he could do his best to look her in the eyes as he spoke his vows to her.

I realized that, as a girl, if I were to tell this story to one of my female friends we would both go "awww, I want a guy to do that for me!" But here's the thing, we spend so much time wanting love less radical and less wild than the love we already have. Not that there's anything wrong from desiring human love, but there is something wrong in desiring it above divine love or ignoring divine love in seeking human love. I of course, have done and frequently do both, probably at the same time.

When I think about it, it's kind of ridiculous that we desire less than we already have. Where I would want a human to look me in the eyes and declare his love/commitment to me, I have a God who would not only stare me in the face with His love, but completely surround me with it. I have a divine being who would deign to come into the earthly realm and call my name, speak to me, call me His. I have a Savior who would not only look me in the eyes to show me His love, but would hang on a cross to show His love for me. How can I look for anything "more?" Understandably, human love is at times more tangible and easier to understand than God's love, but its limitations, necessity to be connected to God's love to be of any relevance, and it's temporal boundaries compared to God's endless, undying, and stand-alone true love make the choice obvious.
Not that it's necessarily choosing one negates the other, but one must be chosen above and placed higher than the other in order for them to properly coexist

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