About 70 Days, 70 Weeks of Prayer

Inspired by a friend's interpretation of the above passage in the book of Daniel, I began an exercise in praying for 70 days about loving God properly which developed into a week by week blog of my journey in 70 weeks of prayer to determine what my next phase in life should be: Where I should go, what I should do, who I should be...

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Week 4: Memoirs of an August in Love- Fill my Cup

During the early part of my 70 weeks was my 70 days of falling in love. I took a lot of walks in the woods near a nearby lake and would get lost for hours on sunny afternoons, just walking with and thinking about God. I began writing "Memoirs of an August in Love" which  I will post as records of what I was thinking on certain weeks of my 70 days.

Memoirs of an August in Love- Fill my Cup:
I left work with an empty plastic cup, I'd drank all the water it once held throughout my long day. I carried my heavy bags and my tired eyes home at nine in the night rain, pulling the cup out of my car. I don't like to leave trash around. I could have run inside to attempt to avoid getting wet, but these days I'm working on not running from forgiveness. The cool sweet summer rain came down, baptizing my forehead, caressing my cheeks, and I stood still for a moment and let my cup fill up with grace.

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